Trick to Open Google Cached Pages in Chrome

Google cache is the most powerful features offered by Google search engine. Google cache stores a copy of web pages, so if you want to open a website which is currently down or takes a lot of to respond, then this simple trick will let you open cached version of a webpage directly from Google severs.

The link for Cached pages will be visible on Google search results only when you hover your mouse over the link in search results

How to Open Google Cached pages

If you are willing to access the Cached version of a web page, then there are two possible ways to do it.
  1. Just go to and type cache: in the search box then Google will automatically detects the special operator “cache” in your query and directly shows the cached copy of the web page.
  2. For example, you can type as
  3. This is the easiest way to open cached version or copy of any web page directly from Google chrome. If you are using the Google chrome, then just type “cache:” before any web page URL and hit “Enter” then that will take you to cached copy of that web page.

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